Legislate attended the SaaStr EUROPA 2023 event in London

Legislate at the SaaStr event 2023

June 13, 2023

Legislate at the SaaStr event 2023

LONDON, UK, TUESDAY 13TH JUNE, 4:00PM: London-based startup Legislate attended the SaaStr Europa 2023 event in London on the 6–7 June 2023.

Amber Akhtar, the Chief Operating Officer, and Charles Brecque, CEO and Founder of Legislate, look back at the SaaStr event they attended last week.

Q1. Did you enjoy the SaaStr event? 

A: "We thoroughly enjoyed the event, and  really inspired by all the talks and speakers across the conference. It was so impressive seeing all the thousands of people that SaaStr brings together. We left feeling really energised and invigorated to keep boosting our growth. Overall, the event was educational, inspiring and definitely well organised.”

Q2. Which speakers were you most impressed by and why?

Amber: “The CEO of @loom, @yoyo_thomas really stood out and the key takeaways for me from his presentation were: 1. Create a product so good people tell their friends about it 2. Build a team mindset and momentum.  3. Have velocity and ambitious vision. 4. Say the hard thing always, and Loom announced their new AI features that are coming soon.

Charles: “What really resonated with me from the Loom talk was about making the total addressable market (TAM) more tangible. Understanding the total revenue opportunity available for your specific product requires a thorough definition of the target audience, in depth market research, and to continually monitor industry trends.”
Charles: “I also really enjoyed the talk by @sterlingmsnow, the Senior Vice President of Revenue at BILL, where he was discussing how we can influence sales cycles more than we think; it's all a matter of trying. That really stuck with me because we often let the customer or industry dictate the duration of the sales cycle.” 

Q3. Any quotes that you will stand by going forward?

A: "There were plenty of quotes across every speech and conversation we had… Some that spring to mind are: 'you need to have the right mindset to make the impossible possible!', 'satisfy the demands of today while you build for a bigger tomorrow!' and 'be kind while giving direct feedback'. "


Q4. What was something that you learnt from the CEO and founder of SaaStr, Jason Lemkin? 

Amber: “To do more with less, be more efficient and venture rounds get harder, not easier!”
Charles: “Jason was very frank that the market conditions make raising venture capital a lot harder right now and that investors are expecting startups to triple triple double double in order to justify an investment.”

A: “Lemkin highlighted how for the first time in a decade, it has become more challenging to operate in SaaS. In light of the current market his recommendations included embracing changes, adapting strategies, growing product offerings, and disrupting the budget of potential clients.”

Q5. Will you hope to attend a future SaaStr event or any others you have coming up? 

A: “Yes, we are considering attending SaaStr in San Francisco later this year as there will be even more founders and leaders to learn from. We are at London Tech Week this week (12-16) – we have a stand and are excited to meet the other attendees and members of the London tech scene.”

Q6. For Amber: What are your thoughts on receiving a no-charge pass to SaaStr Europa, being a woman in tech?

Amber: “Receiving a no-charge pass was great because it allowed me to be part of the community and engage. There was a really insightful discussion around product-led growth given by some fantastic women! @GeorgiaS_IV, @stephlynnb and @madpar3. It was a pleasure to attend to make my mark on the tech industry, however, I still felt that there were not that many women and it was definitely male dominated so a lot of work to be done.”

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