Daisy Warner

Daisy Warner


March 8, 2024

How to measure productivity of employees

This article will explore how to measure the productivity, how to create a productivity-focused culture and the challenges faced in measuring productivity. 

How to measure productivity of employees

Measuring the productivity of employees is essential for ensuring that your business is running efficiently and effectively. 

There is no shortage of ways to measure employee productivity, but it all depends on the type of work, the industry and the specific job roles. 

This article will explore how to measure the productivity of employees across different contexts, including working from home, in-office, and various roles. It will also discuss ways  to create a productivity-focused culture and the challenges faced in measuring productivity. 

How to measure productivity of employees working from home

As more businesses and organisations embrace the possibilities of remote work and offer increasing levels of flexibility for employees, it is important for leaders to have the right strategies in place for measuring productivity and assessing the performance of employees from afar. Read more below about possible strategies for measuring productivity.

Set clear expectations

Clearly define the goals, objectives and deadlines for each remote employee. Employers should avoid leaving any room for ambiguity. This will help track their progress and ensure they are consistently meeting expectations.

Measure output

Focus on the results and outcomes of the work performed, rather than the time spent on tasks. This can include completed projects, sales numbers or other key performance indicators (KPIs). You can consult with employees to decide on the best metrics to measure their output.

Use productivity tools & platforms

Leverage technology to track employee productivity. The best time-tracking platforms and project management tools can provide valuable insights into how employees are performing. Onboarding employees onto these platforms is often relatively straightforward.

How to measure productivity of employees in the service sector

Employers can leverage a mix of qualitative and quantitative data to measure the productivity of employees in the service sector, including:

Monitor employee engagement

Engaged employees are more likely to be productive. Employers could survey their employees regularly to ensure they are satisfied with their work and have the necessary tools and resources to succeed in their roles.

Review customer feedback

Implement regular customer satisfaction surveys to assess how well employees are serving customers. While this is qualitative data, it can still provide valuable insights into how employees are operating and performing.

Utilise service metrics

Track metrics such as response time, resolution time and the number of issues resolved to measure the performance of employees. With just a few of these metrics, employers can very quickly gauge employee productivity and whether they are working to meet customer needs. This will vary across the roles employees are performing, but could be applicable to different contexts. 

How to measure productivity of management employees

Measuring the productivity of management employees, such as project managers and team leaders, is a little more abstract, as their responsibilities involve overseeing and coordinating the productivity of others. With this in mind, the productivity of those reporting to a manager or leader is often a reflection of the manager’s effectiveness in their role.

Goal attainment

Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for management employees. Employers should aim to track their progress in meeting these goals to evaluate their overall productivity and effectiveness in these leadership roles.

Employee performance

Evaluate the performance of the employees under the manager's supervision. Effective management should result in improved performance and productivity for the entire team. When leaders and managers are unable to get their team members to perform, this reflects on their managerial skills and overall performance.

Leadership qualities

Assess management employees based on their leadership skills, including their ability to communicate, motivate and support their team. Employers can collect feedback from those who work directly with those in managerial positions.

How to measure productivity of office employees

Office employees often have a mix of tasks and responsibilities. As a result it makes sense to measure their productivity in a variety of different ways.

Task completion

Set clear expectations for tasks and deadlines, and track how effectively employees meet these expectations.

Quality of work

Assess the quality of work produced by employees. This may involve evaluating the accuracy, thoroughness and presentation of their output.

Time management

Use the best time-tracking software to monitor how employees are spending their work hours. This can help identify any inefficiencies and provide insights into how to improve productivity.

Creating a productivity-focused culture

To ensure that an employer’s efforts to measure productivity are successful, it is crucial to promote a workplace culture that values productivity and continuous improvement.

Communicate expectations

An employer should clearly communicate expectations for productivity and performance to employees. It is important employers understand the goals and objectives of their roles and how their work contributes to the organisation's success.

Provide training & development opportunities

Invest in the professional growth of employees by offering training and development opportunities. This will not only improve their skills and knowledge but also demonstrate commitment to their success and career development.

Recognise & reward high performers

Acknowledge and reward employees who consistently perform at a high level. This can come in the form of bonuses, promotions or public recognition.

Encourage collaboration

Foster a collaborative work environment where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and working together to achieve goals. Team building activities can help achieve this.

Hold regular feedback sessions

Hold regular one-on-one meetings with employees to discuss their performance, address any concerns, and provide guidance for improvement.

Challenges in measuring productivity

While measuring productivity is essential for organisational success, there are some challenges that employers may encounter along the way:


The definition of productivity may vary depending on individual perspectives and job roles. It is essential to establish clear, objective criteria for evaluating productivity across your workforce.

Resistance to change

Employees may resist efforts to monitor and measure their productivity. They may view it as an invasion of privacy or micromanagement. Employers should address these concerns by emphasising the benefits of productivity measurement, such as identifying areas for improvement and supporting employee growth.

Balancing quantity & quality

It is important to strike a balance between measuring the quantity of work completed and the quality of that work. Focusing solely on output can lead to a decline in the quality of work produced and a negative impact on customer experiences and satisfaction.


If an employer can tailor their measurement strategies to specific job roles and the responsibilities they carry out, they can gain valuable insights into the performance of employees and identify opportunities for improvement. 

When an employer fosters a productivity-focused culture, they can support employees in achieving their full potential and drive the success of the business.


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